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I.1.2.1 Relationships with other disciplines: Social Sciences

Relationship of Social Anthropology with other Social Sciences- click each point for detailed note Social Anthropology and Sociology Social Anthropology and History Social Anthropology and Economics Social Anthropology and Political Science Social Anthropology and Social Work Social Anthropology and Cultural Studies Social Anthropology and Literature Social Anthropology and Public Health Social Anthropology and Policy and […]

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Categories Anthropology I

I.10 Stages of growth – pre-natal, natal, infant, childhood, adolescence, maturity, senescence.

1. Infancy and Toddlerhood Stage- Developmental psychologists used the term infancy to denote the period of development that generally is from birth to two years of age. The word infant means “without language”. Infancy includes development in the areas of cognition, perception, motor activity, emotion, sociability and language. In the beginning of infancy period infants […]

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Categories Anthropology

I.10 Factors affecting growth and development

1) Hereditary Factors:- Heredity exerts an influence on human development. The child carries genetic endowments from his/her parents. It is genetically transmitted characteristics from one generation to the next. The physical characteristics like height, weight, eye color etc. and psychological characteristics such as intelligence, personality, creativity and so on are innately determined and hereditary. The […]

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Categories Anthropology

I.10 Principles of Human growth and development

There are several basic principles that characterizes the pattern and process of growth and development. 1. Development involves change:- The human being is undergoing changes from the moment of conception to the time of death. There are differenttypes of change occur such as, changes in size, proportions, disappearance of old features and acquisition of new […]

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